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AVIYAN was created in 2023 by the vision and toil of Mr. Arnav Sir. We begin with a vision to provide an ideal launch pad for serious JEE aspirants. Along the way to the realization of this vision, we went beyond merely coaching for IIT-JEE. We actually started to make a difference in the way students think and approach problems. It was the urge, the compelling desire, to always aspire for perfection and, in the process, continuously keep on setting newer benchmarks of excellence that enabled us and our students to achieve what we have achieved.
The success of our students was inspiring, and so was their faith in us.
“If you want to shine like a sun. First burn like a sun.”
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will, guidance and mentoring. At AVIYAN, value based knowledge is the true aim of education that we impart to our students.